How to Make it Through Midterms Week Alive
Midterms week can resemble a zombie apocalypse. The world seems to grow darker, you sleep less, and you feel like you are fighting for your survival. At times it feels like all hope is gone from the world. Fortunately, unlike an apocalypse, midterms week does have an end. Once you have turned in that last exam the struggle is over. You can go back to living again.
Just like you need to be armed with food storage, weapons, and supplies to weather a zombie apocalypse, proper preparation can greatly improve your chances of emerging from the ashes of midterms week unscathed. Here are a few helpful tips to lodge in your arsenal.
Eat Properly – Eating not only gives you the energy you need to overcome fatigue, it is also a nice break from studying your brains out. Make sure to eat well-rounded meals to stay at maximum health all week long, and make sure to enjoy the excuse of eating well as a welcome break from studying.
Create a Schedule – Midterms can take over your life. By budgeting your time as accurately as possible, you can ensure that you give each class ample study time. You can also schedule other positive activities—such as time for exercise and showering— to keep you feeling good throughout the week.
Know When to Recuperate – You have to know when you can take a breather and when you must force yourself to keep studying. It’s okay to take breaks, just make sure they only go on for an appropriate length.
Reward Yourself – Each small victory is one step closer to winning the midterms week battle. After you complete each exam, do something to reward yourself. Eat something tasty, take a short nap, or go for a mind-clearing walk. You are working hard and deserve to celebrate small triumphs.
Create a Conducive Environment – Unlike a zombie apocalypse, you get to control your environment during your preparation for exams. If you study best in quiet spaces, find a tranquil place to study. If you like to listen to Mozart, retire to a place where you can do so. Go wherever is necessary and create whatever environment you need to focus. The more you can do this, the better your chances of survival.
Midterms week takes preparation and planning – especially if you’re managing course work for other classes at the same time. By keeping yourself on a schedule and taking regular breaks, you will excel and make it through midterms week alive.
For more information about exam preparation and studying, contact Canadian Beauty College today. As one of the most trusted beauty schools in Ontario, we offer courses in Vaughan, Newmarket, Barrie, Bolton, and Toronto. Contact us for a campus tour and more information about our programs for the upcoming school year.